Lately, I see a shift in attitudes of users towards both companies. Gone, or going, are the days of the feuds that existed between the two users. In their place is a new generation of users that want to embrace the best of what both companies have to offer.
In that mindset, over the next few weeks I want to share some technologies that I am in love with that are helping bridge the expanse between these two users.
Airfoil, by Rogue Amoeba, is an amazing piece of software that does just that.
For years, I have been using multiple Apple's Airport Express to create streaming music areas in my house. My only real complaint had been caused by the limitation of only being able to stream music from with iTunes. As the iOS technology has evolved, so has the Airplay technology that powers the Airport Express. iOS devices are no longer limited to streaming only from their iTunes library. Basically, any app that creates sound can be streamed from an iOS device to an Airport Express or other Airplay host.
However, the same evolution for a Windows system has not been as quick to follow and until recently I was still stuck just being able to stream what was in my iTunes library. But now, Airfoil has changed all that. Now I can turn my Windows environments into devices that can stream any audio to an Airplay speaker.
The software is extremely easy to install. It took me about 30 seconds from download of the install file to listening to Pandora streaming from my PC to my Airport Express. In fact, as I write this, I am listening to my favorite Pandora station: Django Reinhardt. From the Airfoil interface, I can decide where in my house the sound will go. Similar to iTunes, I can control multiple Airplay devices to stream at the same time.
Now, anything that makes sound on my PC can be streamed to an Airplay device
The software costs $25 to license. Not too steep a price considering all the enjoyment you will get from using the software. And getting us all one step close to never having to choose Apple or Windows. From here on it can be: Apple and Windows!